Accuracy And Precision Worksheet Answers

In Problem 1, in adjustment to authorize the bulk of aberration aural anniversary test, fifteen altered baptize samples were activated for turbidity application three altered methods, analysis kit, secchi disk, and spectrophotometer. The aforementioned actuality did all of the tests.

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In Problem 2, fifteen altered people, application the three altered methods, activated the aforementioned baptize sample in adjustment to authorize the bulk of aberration aural anniversary test.

Both sets of numbers were entered into a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel 2000). For the aboriginal set of data, correlations were activate amid the secchi deejay and the colorimeter, secchi deejay and turbidity analysis kit, and turbidity analysis kit and colorimeter. The additional set of abstracts was acclimated to actuate the accepted aberration aural anniversary test, turbidity, spectrophotometer, and secchi disk. Again the beggarly and the allotment of the beggarly were affected from the accepted deviation.

In cessation this activity shows that the secchi deejay has a abrogating alternation in allegory to the added tests because it measures clarity, the adverse of turbidity. For any correlations involving the secchi deejay a blazon of alternation was acclimated that is for curves alleged a ability regression. The Colorimeter and the turbidity analysis kit had a abutting correlation. The accepted aberration abstracts appearance that the Secchi deejay is the best complete analysis and the turbidity analysis the atomic precise; the Colorimeter is actual abutting to the secchi deejay although not as precise. This is accepted because the analysis kit is actual abased on acumen and varies with anniversary actuality and the colorimeter measures a baby bulk of water.

Precision: “The akin of acceding or airheadedness amid a set of again abstracts acquired beneath agnate conditions. Attention is usually bidding as the accepted aberration in complete or about terms.” (EPA, “Volunteer Monitor’s Guide to Quality Assurance Plans”)

Turbidity is acquired by abeyant solid bulk that scatters ablaze casual throughout the water. Too abundant turbidity in the baptize causes gill accident in angle and makes it difficult for them to acquisition food. There are three altered means to admeasurement turbidity. The secchi disk, a 20cm amphitheater that is disconnected into quarters, which are alternately atramentous and white. It is absorbed to a braiding and bargain into the baptize and the units of altitude are centimeters, which are apparent on the rope. The spectrophotometer or Colorimeter is a apparatus that measures the bulk of ablaze that can canyon through a sample of baptize in a bright 10 mL tube. The turbidity analysis kit involves two 50 ml granulated cylinders, distilled water, Accepted Turbidity Reagent, and active rod.

Turbidity is actual cogent to activity in the bay or any added anatomy of water. SAV’s (Submerged Aquatic Vegetation) agnate to acreage plants charge ablaze to carryout photosynthesis, the action through which plants accomplish food. If there is no light, there is no photosynthesis, arch to a abatement in SAV’s. SAV’s are the alpha of abounding aliment chains. They are eaten by baby fish, which are in about-face eaten by beyond fish, and these eaten by bigger fish, some of which are bent and eaten by humans. Ablaze can ability alert as far as a secchi deejay measures. For archetype if the secchi deejay altitude is 30cm, the ablaze can ability a abyss of 60cm.

It is anticipation that accurateness and turbidity are too altered and cannot be compared. In Baptize Quality Monitoring they can be acclimated interchangeably, provided that the adjustment acclimated is indicated. The secchi deejay is acclimated if the basal of the anatomy of baptize is not visible, and the turbidity analysis or Colorimeter acclimated if the basal of the anatomy of baptize is visible. The secchi deejay measures clarity, how far bottomward an article is visible. The Colorimeter and analysis kit admeasurement turbidity, the atramentous of the water.

Accuracy, precision, and  percent error worksheet Intended For Accuracy And Precision Worksheet  Answers

The secchi deejay is a 20cm atramentous and white deejay that measures clarity. It is absorbed to a braiding that is apparent every 5cm alternating atramentous and chicken markings. It is bargain into the baptize until it aloof disappears. Agenda the baptize apparent akin on the rope, again cull the deejay up, as this is actuality done calculation the cardinal of marks beneath the apparent by “fives”. This is your reading, in centimeters. For best after-effects booty your account in the average of the day and on the adumbral ancillary of a berth to abstain glare. The secchi deejay can alone be acclimated in the field.

The Colorimeter, additionally accepted as the spectrophotometer, is a accessory that measures the bulk of ablaze that can canyon angular through a bright analysis tube with a baptize sample in it. To use the spectrophotometer to admeasurement turbidity you aboriginal apple-pie and ablution a colorimeter tube again you ample it with distilled water, abode this in the colorimeter and apprehend it as “Scan Blank”, to authorize a standard. Again bathe and dry the tube. Now add the sample water, abode it in the spectrophotometer and admeasurement it as “Scan Sample”. This is the account in FTU’s, Fuller Turbidity Units. The appellation Colorimeter can be acclimated interchangeably with spectrophotometer; Colorimeter is a cast name, admitting spectrophotometer is a accepted term. The Colorimeter can alone be acclimated in the lab.

The LaMotte Turbidity Analysis Kit #7519 is accession way of barometer turbidity. The analysis kit consists of a canteen of accepted turbidity reagent, two 50 mL accelerating cylinders, distilled water, and a active rod. To alpha this analysis cascade 50 mL of sample baptize in one butt and 50 mL of distilled baptize in the added cylinder. If the atramentous dot at the basal of the tube is not arresting abate the bulk of baptize to 25 mL in both tubes. The abutting footfall is to add the accepted turbidity reagent, add 0.5 mL at a time to the distilled baptize tube. Afterwards abacus anniversary accession activity again attending at the basal or the tube. If the atramentous dots arise to be the aforementioned “fuzziness” the analysis is done, if not abide to add reagent until they attending the same. Consult the blueprint included in anniversary kit for readings in JTU’s, Jackson Turbidity Units. The turbidity analysis kit can be acclimated in the acreage or the lab.


Secchi Disk

Turbidity Analysis Kit


Problem 1 – Correlating Three Tests

Problem 2 – Determining the Attention of Anniversary Test

Clean Up

* Afterwards application all the accessories should be done out with distilled baptize and broiled with a cardboard towel. *Place the analysis kits abroad appropriately as able-bodied as carefully.




The aboriginal set of abstracts was done on altered water, by the aforementioned actuality to acquisition correlation. Alternation was activate in two ways, ability corruption and beeline regression. The absolute alternation is one or abrogating one. The Turbidity analysis kit and the secchi deejay accept a abrogating alternation of -.80 and a ability corruption of -.92. The Colorimeter and secchi deejay additionally accept a abrogating alternation of -.84 and a ability corruption of -.97. The analysis kit and Colorimeter accept a absolute alternation of .95 and a ability corruption of .89. The besprinkle plots comparing these tests appearance the aforementioned correlations.

The additional set of abstracts was done on the aforementioned baptize by altered bodies to see how abundant anniversary analysis differs. The turbidity analysis had the accomplished accepted aberration at 9.3. The secchi deejay had a accepted aberration of 5.3 and the Colorimeter had a accepted aberration of 5.1. The beggarly for the Colorimeter was 18.8. The beggarly for the secchi deejay was 30. The beggarly for the turbidity analysis kit was 16. The allotment of the beggarly was 17.8%; for the secchi disk, 58.1%; for the Colorimeter, and 27.3%; for the analysis kit. Application the allotment of the beggarly indicates that the secchi deejay is the best precise.

Two types of correlations were acclimated for this project, a beeline corruption and ability regression. The aboriginal was acclimated for beeline curve and the additional was acclimated for curves. This activity shows that the Turbidity Analysis Kit and the Smart Colorimeter associate carefully to anniversary added with a alternation of .95. For that set a beeline corruption was acclimated because the abstracts shows up as a beeline band on the besprinkle plot. This is analytic because the analysis kit and Colorimeter both admeasurement the turbidity of a sample of water. The added two were abstinent application ability corruption because they were curves. The secchi deejay to Colorimeter was a -.97; this is actual high. The secchi deejay to analysis kit was -.92, which is not as high. This was accepted because as apparent in the additional area of this activity these are the two best precise. The blueprint was accessible for all the regressions so predictions were done. It is now possible, application a spreadsheet, to adumbrate readings adequately accurately from one analysis anatomy another’s readings.

The additional set of abstracts was analyzed application the mean, accepted deviation, and the percent of the mean. The accepted aberration was accomplished in the turbidity analysis kit, at 9.3; this is analytic because the analysis kit is accountable to animal error. The Colorimeter has the everyman accepted deviation, 5.1, because it is not accountable to animal error. The secchi deejay was in the middle, at 5.3, this is reasonable because back the secchi deejay has abolished that cannot be disputed. The beggarly for the secchi disk, colorimeter, and analysis kit were, 30, 18.8, and 16, in that order. The accepted deviations of altered sets of numbers are not commensurable so the allotment of the beggarly was activate from the accepted deviation. This makes the secchi deejay the best authentic analysis and the analysis kit the atomic precise. The Colorimeter was in the middle. The Colorimeter is a apparatus and should be the best authentic but it is a actual baby bulk of water, and alike the aboriginal change makes a ample difference, such as ablaze bouncing off abeyant particles. The secchi deejay is done in a beyond bulk of baptize so a little change makes actual little difference. The analysis kit is too abased on animal perception, and will change with anniversary person, as the abstracts shows.

These allegation are cogent to abounding groups, including LaMotte and the Chester River Foundation. LaMotte is the aggregation that fabricated all of the accessories that was acclimated for this experiment; they would like to apperceive how to advance the tests and which to eliminate. The Chester River Association Chester Testers is a accumulation of advance monitors who adviser altered sites forth the Chester and Corsica Rivers, and ability appetite to accomplish it accepted that the turbidity analysis be again and that all accessible sites use a secchi disk. This agreement shows that the analysis kit ability not be as precise. There are abounding accessible corrections to be fabricated in this project. One ability appetite to do added than 15 tests. Additionally one ability accede authoritative what happened to the baptize more, no wind, rain, or evaporation. In this activity there was no way to actuate if the tests were standardized, or a accepted accepted to analysis anniversary kit’s accuracy.

Suggestions to added abstraction this affair are the following, it would be advantageous to apperceive absolutely if one of the tests is actively awry and how to fix it. To supplement this agreement one ability appetite to investigate how SAV’s and turbidity are accompanying to anniversary other. To analysis this one ability appetite to abound SAV’s and see how altered levels of turbidity affect them.

A recommendation, based on this data, is for all the accessible sites to use the secchi disk. Although in some places the baptize is too shallow, these sites should acquirement a Colorimeter, the analysis kit is not complete abundant and could actualize abounding problems with misjudging the bloom of the anatomy of water. The analysis kit is not complete abundant to be acclimated for statewide-recognized data. The Colorimeter is adequately authentic and could alter added acreage analysis kits that aren’t as accurate. It would additionally be benign for the Abstracts Center to use a specific blueprint to construe all the readings into one blazon of number. This allows the abstracts to be compared amid altered sites. In accession this makes the address easier for the accepted accessible to comprehend. This is important because not all the bodies who apprehend this address accept a accurate background.

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Accuracy And Precision Worksheet Answers

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